
Welcome to Microsoft Learn
Student Ambassadors - Pakistan

MLSA Pakistan aims to enhance students' employability and increase students' awareness of Microsoft technologies. Student Ambassadors are offered training especially in product-specific skills not typically taught in academia.


Communities working under the umbrella of MLSA aim at taking digital skills and technology to a higher level in Pakistan. Their target is to build networks across the country and help students to learn about technology and further share their knowledge. They are working tirelessly to give their aim a shape.


More than 250 students in Pakistan have made it to the position of being called Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador and they are not taking a break. Apart from running communities, they are themselves organizing events, delivering presentations to share their knowledge and prepare students for the world of technology.


MLSA TV broadcasts all the live events going on. It also contains all the recordings of previous events.


Make a difference, expand your impact, and share your passions through original content, peer mentoring, and facilitating opportunities such as Microsoft Imagine Cup teams and student hackathon events.
- Be a Microsoft Tech Insider
- Grow your skills
- Be cool from others
- Opportunities to build strong network

Our Story

  • 2001

    Launch of MSP

    In 2001, Microsoft Student Partner was founded by Microsoft with the mission to empower every student on the planet to achieve more.

  • 2008

    Launch in Pakistan

    In 2008, MSP came to Pakistan and started empowering students to work towards a common goal of promoting Microsoft technologies and sharing the knowledge with other students.

  • 2018

    Relaunch in Pakistan

    In 2018, MSP came back as a bigger and better opportunity for Pakistani students who were looking for opportunities in the world of technology.

  • 2019

    Re-branding of Program

    In 2020, Microsoft Student Program was re-branded and called Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador. This change not only brought a new name, but it brought better opportunities and better learning experiences.

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